Your brand + our games =
a perfect match!
Elevate your brand with our thrilling games! We're your dedicated brand fusion experts – our games provide the excitement, you bring the unique style. Together, let's craft an unforgettable gaming experience!
Paint your
perfect picture
We turn our awesome games into your branded masterpieces! Think of us as your personal game tailors – we've got the threads, you've got the style.

Choose from a smorgasbord of languages to make every player feel at home.

Tech tweaks
We turn our awesome games into your branded masterpieces! Think of us as your personal game tailors – we've got the threads, you've got the style.
API Integration


Mobile Mastery

Flexibility is our middle name
We believe in making our awesome games available to you in whatever way suits your business best. That's why we offer not one, but two ways to bring our adrenaline-pumping experiences to your platform:

01. Direct integration
Want the Veli Play experience, no middleman required? We've got you covered! Our games can be integrated directly into your platform, giving you full control and a direct line to our support team. It's like having a hotline for fun!

02. Via popular game aggregators
Already working with a game aggregator? No problem! Our games can be integrated to basically any aggregator platform of your choice, allowing for seamless integration into your existing game library.
The VeliPlay promise

We move faster than a jackpot hunter!

We're with you long after the game integration and customisation is done.

We test so thoroughly, even Murphy's Law gets nervous.